My first post: What is canned coelacanth?

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The point

I made this blog post mainly for testing purposes as I work on the blog feed page and individual post pages. But I figured it could be nice to take the time and give this post some value, and to describe some of my goals for the site while we're still in its early stages. So why have I decided to make canned coelacanth?

First, there's the issue of social media. Setting aside the fact that the quality of most social media sites, as well as the ethicality and policies of their parent companies, have hugely depreciated--I just don't like using it. Sometimes I feel very stubborn for refusing to use most social media even though it would make it so much easier to keep in touch with my friends, local events, etc... arguably, my proclaimed aversion is just an excuse to dodge the horrors of being perceived and remain a comfortable recluse. I thought that a personal website could at least let me stay connected with people I care about on my own terms, while still creating a space for myself to "be heard", when that space hardly exists for me in the real world. I have a lot of thoughts with nowhere to go! Most of my loved ones, bless them, do not want to hear me talk about a niche, multi-million word-long web serial, or whatever similarly eclectic subject I've taken interest in for the week. I tend to keep to myself, but paradoxically, I can't get invested in my own ideas & creative work if they have to stay contained within me. I want to share these things because what's the point in not?

I also wanted to get more hands-on practice with web development. I've pretty quickly discovered in this process that making a Neocities site might not provide the equivalent to hireable, real-world experience, since static sites are obviously limited regarding what can be done with the backend (and static site generators will be a hassle as long as I'm incrementally updating the site). Not even a footnote for my beautiful perfect daughter PHP. :( But I feel like I'm learning a lot of really valuable things relating to accessibility and semantic HTML (something I didn't know much about before!). And while my hatred of JavaScript hasn't waned, I am getting more proficient with DOM manip as I seek creative workarounds to the aforementioned limitations of a PHP-less site.

I think I've conveyed this in a strange way. I'm not much compelled by personal writing; most of my future posts will likely be more focused and center a topic that isn't myself.

Site goals

  • Maintain keyboard, screenreader, and general accessibility. I want this site to easy to navigate on any device and by any person. I'm not sure if I'm doing everything right, but I'm going to continue researching and updating based on what I find.
  • Make this site into my storage unit, corkboard, and carabiner. I keep everything I need and everything I might need on my carabiner because I'm a caricature of myself. My library card, in case I end up at the library without meaning to. My nail clippers, in case my nails suddenly get too long. A vial of sugar water in case I have to distract a wasp. My great-grandma's JC Penny 92nd anniversary tape measure (that one I have a lot of fantasies about swooping in to save the day with). I want canned coelacanth to be like my carabiner: full of situationally useful things that can be unclipped and distributed, or kept on for style. Every vaguely cool niche thing I've ever found should be catalogued on this site just in case you like that thing, too.

What to implement

  • Big Book of Resources: a masterlist of a bunch of resources for various topics.
  • Readings: similar to the book of resources, but for reading material. I want to focus on freely available, probably-mostly-academic text, but maybe it'll just turn into a book rec section. I don't know. I might also just make a separate rec list.
  • Guestbook
  • Some sort of search functionality for the blog section? I'm envisioning a tagging system for this, but I don't know where to begin without PHP my beloved. This might be out of scope for now. And not really necessary either, until I've been doing this long enough for things to start getting unwieldy.
  • Shrines: I kind of want to make "synthesis" shrines focusing on a certain theme and working in a variety of media. This is probably already a thing but I only ever see shrines dedicated to just one work or character, so. That should be fun.
  • Fossilquarium: A little project about prehistoric fish.
  • I want different pages on the site to have more variety. But for now, I'll focus on getting the basic site up.